Vision, Mission, Values, Ethos
To see Northeast Georgia and the world shaped by the gospel of Christ.
Making disciples of Christ who faithfully respond to his call, “come and follow me.”
Worship is the outward expression of praise towards God, and the inward renewal of our affections, minds, and wills as we are transformed through confession of our sin, the proclamation of the gospel, participation in the sacraments, and renewal through truth of the word.
Formation is the ongoing work of transformation and renewal that occurs through the practices of the Christian life. As we learn to walk in greater accord with the Spirit, sin is put to death and our increasing conformity to Christ leads us into the abundant life of freedom, grace, and union with God.
Community is an essential aspect of the Christian life. We were created to be relational beings by a relational God. The Bible continually uses the metaphors of family, body, and flock to highlight both the uniqueness and value of each member, and the unity of God’s people who are called to comfort, encourage, love, and support one another continually.
Mission begins with God and extends as a calling to the Church as we participate with God’s plan to redeem fallen humanity and reconcile all things to himself in Christ. In this we become ambassadors of his Kingdom and “shalom” throughout the world.
Discipleship begins with “Follow me.” This is the command that Christ makes to the world, and it is the very heart of what it means to be a disciple. Here at CPC we believe that discipleship is not a program or plan, but a relationship with the Father, Son and Spirit as they seek to bring each of us into conformity with the image of Christ. Therefore, discipleship includes all of life- worship, service, suffering, devotion, prayer, and vocation. It includes our finances and our relationships, our hobbies and our disciplines. It is a holistic vision of following Christ in every sphere of our lives while cooperating in the work of the Spirit which is dedicated to helping us faithfully continue in the journey of following Christ.
The primary methods God uses to minister his grace to us are the word, sacraments, and prayer. Accordingly, our worship services will emphasize these means of grace and not rely on consumer driven methods.