Sunday Morning Worship
God set up the world to have day of rest and reorientation…because we need it. Each Sunday morning worship service is designed to help us: find rest in Jesus Christ through the Gospel, be reoriented to the reality that this is our Father’s world, learn obedience to His Word as His joyful children, encourage/admonish one another, welcome those who come into our midst from the community or from out of town. During each worship service we pray, sing, confess our sin, confess the faith, read Scripture, and hear the Word of God preached. We also celebrate the sacraments of the Lord’s Supper and Baptism. Our worship of God on Sunday mornings is our staple diet as Christians. We need the Word, the church, the presence of the Spirit, and the rest/reminder that God has graciously provided for us in the gathered worship of His Church.
Nursery provided for children 4-under half-way through the worship service.
Worship Times
10am ONLY (June & July)
children’s Sunday School
(on summer break)